Classes – Basic
Our basic obedience classes are for any dogs over 6 months old – there is no “top limit” for the age of the dog, as yes, you can teach an old dog new tricks!
Graduating Class November 29, 2011:

Our basic class runs a 1 hour orientation, which is people only, no dogs. During this orientation, key information is passed along regarding the training staff, the class, and what you can expect from us. We also will have a live demonstration with some of our staff’s dogs so you are able to see what you will be learning. Then, we have 7 weeks with the dogs.
We run class at 5:30 p.m., on Wednesday evenings, with a second class at 6:45 p.m., if we have more than 12 dogs signed up. Class is approximately 1 hour per class.
Course content includes the basic commands: Heel (walking on a loose leash), sit, stay, stand, come, down. As the class is ready, we also introduce distractions, such as a ball bouncing, people walking by, noises, anything they may come across on a walk through the neighborhood. We also work with dogs and handlers passing by each other in close quarters, to get the dogs accustomed to passing another dog.
We try to keep our classes between 8 and 10 dogs, enough to create a good class with distractions, but few enough to ensure everyone gets personal attention from the training staff. We do not separate classes based on the dog’s size, breed, or age, so you will have the opportunity to interact with all different types of dogs and people.
We train the dogs on a chain slip collar, which when used properly is very effective and will not harm the dog in any way. We will show you the proper way to put the collar on as well as the proper way to use the collar. We supply a collar as part of your training fee, and will fit the collar to the dog on the first night of class. Prong collars and electronic collars are not allowed on the grounds or in the training building.
The handler/trainer of the dog must be physically able to control the dog in a classroom setting.
We do not use treats as a method of training. However, we do stress the importance of bonding with your dog, the use of verbal and hand praise, and the value that play time with your dog brings.
- Class Day: Wednesday
- Class Time: 5:30 & 6:45 if needed, to run approximately 1 hour.
- Class Fee: $130.00 for the 8 week session, includes a chain training collar ($120.00 for rescues, military and senior citizens).
Next orientation session is January 15, 2025, and is for people only, no dogs. Orientation will begin at 5:30. There will be only one orientation session.
Other class needs:
6 foot leash (we have leather leashes available for sale in the training building, or you are welcomed to purchase them outside).
Updated shot records (to be brought with you to orientation) showing all current vaccinations for the dog, including rabies.